Thursday 9 February 2012

grayson perry at the british museum

finally made it to this exhibition. the ceramics were excellent and by far my favourite pieces. i also adored the works featuring alan measles (the motorbike is captivating as are the explanations of alan measles existence and relevance to the artist's life and works). the arrangement of the artist's works with pieces from the museum's collection is also clever and evokes direct comparisons.

the setting however was a little disappointing. the glass boxes and lack of space (you have to navigate a circuit) don't give enough prominence to the works and it is difficult to appreciate the collection as a whole. i often think the rotunda would be best used as a library rather than for temporary exhibitions.


more details at

i am however still blown away by the glass ceiling over the former courtyard at the british museum. it is simply stunning. over ten years old now and still looking great.


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